Lisbon-Conference: THE BIGGER PICTURE

Lisbon Conference Zur Situation und dem Umgang mit Teens & Twens, die Hilfe benötigen, weil sie unzufrieden mit ihrem Geschlecht bzw. Gender sind, gibt es unterschiedliche Positionen. Parallel zur WPATH-Tagung fand vom 27.-29. September in Lissabon eine ‚Kontrapunkt'-Veranstaltung von Genspect statt. Die Genspect-Konferenz suchte den öffentlichen Dialog, um das Trans-Phänomen besser zu verstehen, stellte die Evidenzbasis für die Geschlechtermedizin in Frage und befasste sich mit dem weit verbreiteten Schaden, den die Ideologie der Genderidentität verursacht hat. Unter dem Fokus „Die Zukunft neu gestalten” ging es um innovative Lösungen.

Unter dem Slogan „The bigger Picture" wechselten Präsentationen von renommierten Fachleuten aus dem internationalen „Gender-Space” mit Panels und Workshops ab, um das komplexe Thema zu beleuchten und den Diskurs zu führen.

The Bigger Picture 3rd international Conference - Lisbon, 27.-29.09.2024

Unter den ExpertInnen der Genspect-Konferenz waren Kathleen Stock, Helen Joyce, Julie Bindel, Bob Withers, Susan und Marcus Evans, Stephen Levine, Andrew Doyle, Mia Hughes, Graham Linehan, und viele weitere.

Programm der Konferenz „The Bigger Picture” in Lissabon

Beyond the Anglosphere - The bigger Picture conference in Lisbon - Reckoning with Trans Ideology in Europe., 13.09.2024

Erste Stimmen von der Konferenz

Stella O'Malley, CEO von Genspect hielt den Einführungvortrag der Konferenz, sie sagte u. a.:

„Everyone who has studied Genspect’s work will know that we are seeking a non-medicalised approach to gender dysphoria. We don’t believe that a person’s sense of gender identity needs to be medicalised. Indeed we believe that a non-medical approach is a better way to treat gender issues.”

Stella O'Malley hat die Konferenz eröffnet, 27.09.2024

Dr. Stephan B. Levine, Prof. für Psychiatrie, 28.09.2024:

„A medical professional’s view is a short-term perspective… Even if psychopathology is noted by the mental health professional, the professional typically does not consider the [trans-identifying] individual’s future ability to love or to work, which is what we parents are very concerned about. We’re trying to grow and launch a person who can be successful in these two domains of life… Parents’ values have the entire life cycle in mind, but doctors do not… ”

Sasha Ayad, US-Psychotherapeutin, 28.09.2024:

„Being deeply known by another person is an intimate process that takes time, vulnerability and relationship. There’s no shortcut through gender labels or pronouns or cosmetic changes.”

Jaco van Zyl, klinischer Psychologe (Irland), 28.09.2024:

„I’ve come to understand that gender dysphoria, the psychological drive to transition, is a maladaptive coping mechanism using the sexed body as a decoy for opting out of adolescent development… ‘Gender-affirmation’ is not therapeutic. It is anti-therapeutic. It colludes with the primitive defences of the child.”

Eliza Mondegreen, Doktorandin, Forscherin und Autorin, 29.09.2024

“[A healthy, supportive trans community] would foster resilience and self sufficiency in gender-questioning youth, rather than telling kids that anyone who disagrees with their worldview hates them or that exposure to ‘misgendering’ or ‘dead naming’ can lead to suicide. A healthy, open and supportive trans community would accept… that there are legitimate reasons to detransition and exit the community. ...

[It] wouldn’t seek to drive a wedge between gender-questioning youth and family members or friends who sincerely want the best for them but question whether transition is the right answer. [It would] invite ethical research into transition outcomes, rather than trying to shut down inquiry, because trans-identifying people deserve high-quality care, not just ideologically compliant care.”

Eindrücke von der Konferenz, B. Lane, 30.09.2024